Students will learn to relate the study of the arts with the study of a variety of subjects such as history, geography, language, culture, etc.
They gain an understanding of the great importance of the arts as sources of gratification and as way of communication in cultures throughout the world.
Also, they study to understand that the arts have long functioned as important media for recording and collaborating ideas.
Students will study that all the arts not only reflect cultural values, but can also be translated differently depending on the experiences of the observer and the perspective presented by the art work.
We develop appropriate strategies to help students achieve the arts curriculum expectations, as well as appropriate ways and means to evaluate student learning. We try our best to bring a variety of teaching and assessment approaches, addressing individual student's needs and making sure a sound learning opportunities for every student.
We use a variety of instructional, assessment, and evaluation approaches to provide numerous hands-on opportunities for students to develop and refine their skills and knowledge.
We can also help students understand that the creative process often requires a significant spending of time and energy and a good deal of determination. We can also encourage students to discover alternative answers to become a successful problem-solvers and creators of art work.
The arts can have an important role in shaping student's opinions about life and learning. Since the arts exist in a broader social and historical context, we can show students that all of the arts are affected by the values and choices of individuals, and in turn have a important influence on society.